It is the first day of school and it is time to face the hard reality of it all..... FISHING SEASON IS DONE THIS YEAR!!! Well not for her Dad but it is for a little squirt who will be in class now during the rest of the prime Trout fishing time. Taryn has had many fishing adventures this summer and she has become 'hooked' on taking these trips with her father. Since Jeremy is off on Mondays and Tuesdays he and Taryn could go anytime this summer while I sadly had to work. I didn't get to go once this year which I was pretty sad about seeing how I took a Fly Fishing Class and everything!!!! I guess the fish will be safe until next year....ha-ha!!
Taryn's first day of school at Wonderpark Elementary School was a blast!!! She has preparing for this day all summer. If you look closely you can see her stuffed animal "Sally" the huskie (from Build A Bear Workshop). She loves this puppy for two reasons, 1. She earned this puppy for reading 100 BOOKS this summer! Grandma Tuia told her she'd take her there if she read the 100 books and she did it. (Hey there's nothing like a little incentive..) and 2. she wants a real dog sooooooo bad......she figures this will have to do until the real one comes. Note: We have a deal with her that she can get a dog when we get a house. So she is waiting....not so patiently sometimes.
Well this school year should be interesting. In an attempt to help out at Taryn's school I went to a PTA meeting and left being newly elected to the President position......SO we shall see as time progresses, as to what I got myself into. All i can say is there is a great need at Taryn's school for parents who care about what is going on with the school and community and I figure I can help. Besides I figure it will be a good place to start since I want to run for Vice President in another 4 years.....he-he! Felicia
Jer beat Jon at fishing Jon went for the first time last week. Good for you, Mrs. PTA pres. You will be great! Wow I can't believe a first grader. Where does the time go, but look who's talking I'll have a Kinder next year. OMgosh! Love you guys.
Utah Pasketts
Glad to see you finally have your blog up and going!! Yeah!! Taryn looks adorable in her 1st day pics! Looks like things are going well! You will be a great PTA pres. See you guys in about a week!
Wow, a big first grader now ! That is so awesome. Felicia what are you thinkin????? PTA pres. you will be great but I can honestly say I'm glad its you and not me. It's so good the world has people like you. oh and Jer, I got you comments, I'm glad that you break the law enough so when I do it isn't so shocking to Dad.
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