Todays Forcast...still COLD!
Current Condition
Current weather condition updated: 1/7/09 7:53 AM Alaska ST
This is the current weather for Elmendorf Air Force Base just 4 miles away from where we live. I think its funny that they list the UV index this time of year since we wont see the sun until 10:30 or 11:00 am and it will be down by 3:30 pm
This is the current weather for Elmendorf Air Force Base just 4 miles away from where we live. I think its funny that they list the UV index this time of year since we wont see the sun until 10:30 or 11:00 am and it will be down by 3:30 pm
Wow! Hi there! I was so glad you found our blog! I often wonder about you guys! It looks like you are doing great! I CANNOT believe how grown up Tayrn is! I guess it has been 5 years?! Blogs are such a great way to keep in touch, especially when you are far, far away! My two sisters are still in AK, and my parents. We are in Idaho now, we plan to be here for awhile, as far as we know. :-) I am so glad you are well. It was so good to see your faces again! Ohhh, the Hoyt days! Hard, but good times! So glad to find you! :-)
wowie! i thought it was miserable and cold here, but i am mistaken! sure love you guys and so glad to be back in touch. it was too long!!
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